Lately in the media there's been this big comparison between Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton. Let me state for the record that I know pretty much nothing about either of these two, except that George is a better name than North. I never really paid attention to the Kardashian sisters and I'm not even confident I know all of their names. I also don't follow royal tabloids because a) I do other important things with my life like binge watch entire seasons of tv shows and b) they don't have salacious scandals (like my tv shows).

What really pissed me off though was this whole pregnancy comparison, like a "Who wore their baby bump best" competition which I just find so strange. I get that they're setting themselves up for scrutiny because of the lifestyles they've chosen, but how on earth can a woman decide how she's going to gain weight and carry that weight while she's creating an actual sentient creature inside of her? I mean good lord, how much pressure are we putting on pregnant women to look good? Pregnancy involves acne breakouts, weight gain everywhere (not just a small perfectly rounded belly), swollen ankles, heart burn, nausea (and it's not just in the morning folks), and the list goes on. I'm just going off of what I've heard from women I know; I'm sure there's a ton of other horrifying things that take place when you're pregnant (as well as all that healthy glow stuff, which I've heard may actually just be sweat from a pregnancy hot flash).
8 1/2 months pregnant |
I think we can probably agree that we'd rather look like Kate Middleton pregnant, but the reality is that's probably not going to happen. She has ONE body type, and if you're that body type too then I hate you (just kidding...maybe). But plenty of us aren't willowy and whatnot, and we're going to have to deal with all that crap. The media was harpooning Kim Kardashian (poor choice of words considering the photos comparing her to an orca...) because she got fat feet and somehow lost her hourglass figure while she grew a fetus for 9 months. Oh the shame. I think we need to clarify that there is a significant difference between being PREGNANT and being FAT.
4 1/2 months pregnant |
There is no right way to be pregnant in terms of looks. You certainly can't diet because you're trying to give your baby the nutrition it needs to grow healthily (and I say baby because I'm assuming you want to see the pregnancy through, in which case I'd say it's okay to stop referring to it as a fetus). As long as you're doing what you need to do for your baby in terms of health and care, then you shouldn't have to worry about people looking at you and judging your pregnancy. It's just so frigging strange. Can't we just appreciate the fact that you're doing this crazy awesome thing and that it's absolutely beautiful no matter how your body reacts? We should be allowing women (the Kates
and the Kims of the world) to just revel about the internal and not stress about the external (and also allow women to hate to death the fact that they're pregnant and have no control over their bodies, because from what I've heard no one goes through pregnancy just loving life 100% of the time).

Kim may be an idiot or whatever but I'm not sure how people can say that it's karma that she didn't have the world's most graceful pregnancy. Sure she shouldn't have worn high heels that made her feet look that ridiculous but there's no need for there to be pages on Google Image of these damn shoes. They're just feet. They have her in flip-flops, wedges, stilettos, kitten heels, etc. Does anyone actually care that much? Feet swell during pregnancy! Ankles swell during pregnancy! Sometimes the whole damn leg swells during pregnancy. Let's take a collective breath and get over it.
There's no baby in that belly |
One final thing to say: baby bumps do not disappear upon birthing a baby. They stick around because your body is not freakish in its ability to shrink overnight. There was a lot of speculation after Kate Middleton came out of the hospital with George (for some reason I want to pronounce it Hor-hey) because she looked like she was still 6-7 months pregnant. Consider what your body goes through while it's growing that baby. Your organs become displaced and they take time to float back down to where they are when you're not playing hostess to a creature. Your uterus becomes the biggest muscle in your body and it's all stretched out and massive. It does shrink again but it can take a month or longer. You also have a lot more fluid and blood in your body during pregnancy, and that takes time to go down to normal levels too. The skin that stretched out around your baby and organs and uterus needs time to tighten back up. This does not happen overnight. Diet and exercise won't do much. It is not fat. It is your body gradually chilling back out after HAVING A BABY. It's not like anything else that a human experiences (or so I've heard, I've never had a baby...) and the body can't bounce back in a day or a week or even a month. Give yourself some time. Even duchesses don't emerge from the birthing suite looking like they were never pregnant. This is a good thing. If they did, it would mean something was seriously wrong (or she was never pregnant and it's all a hoax! YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES!).
Go Prego! (If it is what you want and decide without pressure, shame or guilt!)
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