The other day a very dear and beautiful friend asked me “How
often do you think a woman should be thinking about her weight?” My response
was immediate and vehement “Little, if at all,” I responded. “As long as the
weight is not actively contributing to dis-ease or affecting your quality of
life, then I don’t think it’s something a woman should be concerning herself with
on a regular basis.”
“Oh,” she replied. “I think about mine all the time. And I
don’t know how to stop.”
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I'll take row 2 please, with a side order of dayummm |
Her response profoundly saddened me. This is a woman who is
smart, powerful, funny, beautiful, and a passionate feminist. Yet the ideal of
a perfect body and its relation to her self-worth has been so ingrained in her
psyche, that she puts a significant amount of time and energy into thinking
about, obsessing over, and trying to change her body and weight to fit this
standard of beauty. I’m speaking more broadly about many women in our culture
who have been damaged by this cult of the ideal. We have been conditioned since
we were old enough to notice we had hips (and it just keeps starting earlier
and earlier) to think that unless we had the perfect body to go with our killer
brains and wicked sense of humour, then we are in some way lacking. Well
ladies, I’ve had enough of this horseshit. I’m tired of women thinking that
their bodies are the enemy. I’m tired of seeing myself and the women I love
punish our bodies and our minds with abhorrently restrictive diets and
backbreaking workouts all in the quest of the perfect 36-24-36. I personally
don’t think all women are necessarily meant to have six packs and perfect
thighs and perky bums. Yes, some women are genetically predisposed to that sort
of figure and they should certainly be allowed to celebrate their bodies, but
not at the expense of the perfectly healthy women who are told they are too much.
Too much personality, too much thigh, too much stomach, and too much booty.
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Might go home and do up a photo like this... |
Hear me roar world! I’m no longer going to apologize for the
jiggle in my thighs. These babies are friggen amazing. Not only do they propel
me down mountains with grace… well, they get me to the bottom anyway ;), but
they also take me on woodland adventures, paddle me through the water, support
me in tree pose, and help me dance until I can’t breathe. So what if they’re
not perfectly slender and toned with that ever elusive thigh gap. I don’t think
that makes a lick of difference in their ability to do all the wonderful things
I ask them to do. And same goes for my booty. I have never been and will never
be a size 2 (well I was once, but damn was that a lot of horrifically hard
work), and that’s ok. This size is completely natural, healthy, and attainable
for some women and that’s amazing. But me? Not so natural, not so healthy. I
need some jiggle to my wiggle to help me stay warm in winter, support me if I’m
sick, and if I someday decide to have a baby, nourish and support that tiny,
beautiful little alien. Why would I starve and punish my body to attain some
dude’s fantasy of a perfect woman when I am already perfect to myself?
I love my body. It wasn’t an easy journey to get here, but
there are a few things I did along the way that I think can help many women who
are struggling to see the beauty and wisdom inherent in their beings. One of
the biggest things I’ve done to change the way I feel about my body is to hang
out naked as much as possible.
Seriously, ask my sister and she will attest to the fact that when we lived
together I was naked as much as company dictated. And I still sleep naked every
night. I run my hands over my tummy, hip, and thigh “lumps” and feel their softness
and their beauty. I make my own moisturizers, lotions, and body oils and
luxuriate in rubbing them in until I glisten. I admire myself in the mirror,
bumps and all. I look at new muscles I create doing the things I love and
become giddy when I see how my body continues to evolve as I nourish and
support her.
Once I started becoming more physically aware and
appreciative of my body, I was able to start listening to her and providing her
with the things she needs. Instead of mortal enemies, we became best friends.
Through all those years of dieting; intense exercise regimes; and the
backsliding into booze, cigarette, and junk food fests I lost contact with the
wisdom inherent in my being. It’s only been in the last couple of years that
I’ve gotten to the point where I can listen to what my body needs and know that
she trusts me enough to give it to her. It’s not a relationship that develops
overnight. Years of abuse had conditioned my body to believe I would not listen
to what she wanted and what she needed, because, well, I hadn’t. But I took
those first few steps, and slowly but surely my body began to respond. She now
tells me what she needs, calmly, but firmly. I know I’m fighting off a cold
when I get intense cravings for garlic and ginger. I know I’ve been pushing
myself too hard when my body begs me to go to bed at 9:30. And I know I’ve been
too slack when I literally get up, put my yoga gear on, grab my mat, and walk
out the door without actually realizing I’m doing it.
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This photo is here because it reminds me of how much of a hobbit Cait is, and how she likes to explore the woods |
The point is our ferociously feminine bodies are wise. Wiser
than our egos telling us we won’t be happy until we’re our ideal size. And
wiser than the assholes who arbitrarily decided for us what that size is. We
need a perception shift if we’re going to live as vibrantly beautiful women in
a society that doesn’t really value our vibrancy or our womanhood. We need to
start by loving ourselves, because we live in a society that tells us not to.
The best form of protest is to stop buying into the idea that we are less than
and celebrate our bodies, whatever their shape or current level of fitness. I
still struggle at times with self-doubt, but I’m better able to step back and
recognize these doubts for what they are. Fears that I am not enough. And then
I think about all that I am, all that I’ve done, and all the people I’ve loved
and I tell those doubts thanks, but no thanks. Our abusive relationship is
over. An amazing thing happens when we start treating ourselves with the love
and respect that we bestow upon others: we stop relying on external forces to
tell us we’re worthy because we already know that we are. And once that feeling
takes hold it’s a slippery slope to nourishing ourselves with the best foods, the
best exercise, and the best relaxation for our bodies. But all that comes in
time. First you have to say I love you and really mean it.
This is amazing; Simple and yet so powerful.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who has, and still does struggle every single day with body image issues I want to thank you for this. It's eye opening and touching and I think all women need to sit down and take 5 minutes to read it and then a few more to think about what it means to them as an individual.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has lifted my spirits after a particularly rough "me" day.
I'm so glad that you came across this post exactly when you needed to! And thank you so much for your amazing response :) I get super nervous any time I post anything online but honest and supportive responses like yours make it all worthwhile!