Monday, 23 September 2013

What It's All About

This is an image that everyone should see. Feminism, at least MY feminism, is not about becoming better than men or thinking of them as inferior. It is not about forcing women into pants when they want to wear dresses or discarding supportive undergarments. It is not about reaching "the top". It is about freedom to make decisions based on what you want, without fear, shame or intimidation. I think that being a housewife, a businesswoman, an exotic dancer, or a nun are all great choices, as long as they were actually choices and not forced upon them by circumstance and society. I know that I've been given a certain set of privileges based on the circumstances of my birth, and I'm lucky, but I'm a feminist for the people who were born unlucky. I'm a feminist for the world my someday-kids (daughters AND sons) will grow up in. I'm a feminist for survivors of sexual assault. I'm a feminist for women who face obstacles of racism and homophobia on top of sexism. I'm a feminist for the girls who hit glass ceilings. 
And I'm a feminist for me, too. 

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