Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Take Back The Night (not JT)

This is going to be a pretty brief post. I just wanted to throw down some lyrics to a song I wrote for Take Back The Night, which is a march to end violence against women. Hundreds of women die every year at the hands of their significant other. If you're from Saint John, you would have heard of the murder this winter in Rothesay, or the one on Rothesay Avenue last year, where women were violently killed, one in full view of the street and the other in front of her child. This isn't some issue that's happening somewhere else. It's not happening to other women, it's happening to us. Saint John has one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the country. It is a prevalent, important and dangerous issue and we need to show support for an end to sexual violence when we can.

FYI to those in Saint John: The march is this Friday (September 20th) at 8pm in King's Square. 

Without further ado, here are my words:

There's a war against women so we're here to fight
We're here to spread wings. We're here to take flight
We're here to say violence is never right
We're here to take back the night

There's a girl out there with auburn hair
Whose eyes turned bluer when she cried
But no listened, no one saw
Until the day she died

A father lost his daughter that day
Though perhaps he lost her years ago
On the night those boys, they took from her
Her right to her body, her soul

Our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, our friends
There is no mythical "they"
It happens to those we love and who love us
So we're using our voices today

Together we stand; together we say
You can't turn off our light
You can't blow out our candle's flame
Because we're here to take back the night

Remember the suffering of those everywhere
The women and girls who are gone
Tattoo their names on our hearts and stand tall
In their memories, we march on.

There's a war against women so we're here to fight
We're here to spread wings. We're here to take flight
We're here to say violence is never right
We're here to take back the night


  1. It was good to see such a great turnout! I never got a chance to get one of those business cards being handed out though. Any chance you've got links to the info?

  2. Take Back The Night was a definite success, and I do indeed have a link for you:
    This should bring you to our Facebook page, where we have updates on our project, sexual assault awareness, rape culture, and what we can do to empower women.
