I'm just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world.
Except that's not entirely true (it's just a great tune). I am what this blog implies: a slightly privileged, slightly spoiled, slightly idealistic, maybe even slightly naive (you tell me) girl from a two-parent family with a university education, who won the proverbial genetic lottery on race but lost on sex (re: white girl). I graduated without debt, got a fantastic job two days into my job search, and I have been told my entire life that the world is my oyster. Tragically, I'm allergic to shellfish.
I am a feminist, but I have learned that there are many kinds of feminisms. I do not hate men, I do not burn bras, I do not NOT shave my legs (unless we're talking winter season, in which case we all have our hairy moments; admit it). I am an equalitarian at heart, which my dictionary is telling me isn't technically a word. I just want everyone to be on equal footing, and here's where that naivety I talked about may show. I happened to choose sexism as my battlefront but I applaud, support and encourage everyone fighting against racism, homophobia, and oppression generally.
Besides being a feminist, I am also a dogist. Look at that, another word that's not real. I am totally in love with my dog and I'm that stranger on the streets who will ask to pet everything from those tiny pomeranians to the vicious-looking (but soft-hearted!) pit bulls. My puppy is Dani and she's named after Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones!), who is also blonde and awesome.
I have two brothers who continually challenge my perceptions and force me to think of their points of view on everything from sexual assault to familial obligations. I have a boyfriend who supports my endeavours and gently tells me to shut up when I've spent a whole day being angry and ranting about the Steubenville case or other injustices. I have two parents who sometimes think I'm insane (don't all parents think that at some point though?) but generally accept me for who I am. And I get by with a little help from my friends (Beatles, anyone?).
This blog could go anywhere. It could end up extremely offensive to some, it could end up being a guide to the best cookies in Saint John. I'm not sure who will read this; in fact I contemplated naming this blog: noonemayeverreadthis, before settling on my status in the world, which may be a no-one as well. Cheers.
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