I am over women hating women. It sickens me and I'm tired of questioning what causes that kind of unnecessary, cruel and inexcusable behaviour. The ironic part is that this blog post can probably be interpreted as doing just that, but I'm not going to read too much into that yet because I'm not in the mood to be introspective...

I was on a feminist subreddit a couple weeks ago and there was a post from a woman who said she was a bit overweight, shopping in a makeup store and she could overhear two skinny beautiful women talking shit about her. The poster was looking for some support from her fellow redditors. Now I feel for this girl, I really do. That is honestly a shit situation and I hope no one can imagine a time when that kind of behaviour is appropriate. But here's the kicker. All these women replied to this poster and instead of talking about how beauty is an internal glow or whatever Marilyn Munroe quote typically gets puked out during moments like these, they started freaking out at these other two women. They said these other women are probably married to men who cheat on them. They're probably anorexic. They probably have no souls and will be unhappy forever. They probably sleep with anyone who looks at them. They probably secretly hate each other. They probably hate themselves too.
And on it went.

Are you kidding me?! Do you not see the complete hypocrisy of your statements? You are criticizing these women by doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING. Why don't you take a frigging beat and think about how society has driven women to feel unnecessarily competitive with one another to the point where they'll call out total strangers. Why don't you consider what is happening within yourself, making you feed that monster?
Don't get into the habit of sitting on a pedestal perceiving yourself as the only woman on earth who is allowed to criticize others. "Slut" is not a word to dole out when a woman you know slept with someone. "Bitch" is not an appropriate label for a woman who acts in a way you do not approve of. "Psycho" is not a title you should attach to a woman expressing her emotions. Honestly, and this is not a rhetorical question, what gives you the right? I hate to go bible on your asses, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Unless you are a virgin robot, something you have done in your life could make you seem like a slutty psycho bitch yourself so you might want to check yourself before you go and hypocritically wreck yourself.

I saw this photo on Facebook the other day. I also saw it shared and liked by women who coincide posts like these with comments and posts bringing down other women, and i think it's because they feel entitled. They've created a reality where they are untouchable and their moral compass is the only one that points north. This in turn creates a situation where everyone else can be judged because they don't measure up. I just want to shed some light on the fact that they are contradicting themselves every time they post something about "the haters" while simultaneously being hateful.
It's been said again and again, but you don't raise your own status by bringing other women down. There's nothing to be gained from it. If you feel some sort of satisfaction from tearing into someone else take a good hard look at yourself. What is wrong with you? Again, not rhetorical. What is actually wrong? Are you unhappy? Are you jealous? Are you bored? Because that kind of behaviour isn't stemming from the actions of another person. It's coming from you.
Dropping some knowledge |
And now, I will acknowledge the irony here. It seems like I'm woman-hating. But I'm trying to come from a good place. I'm trying to spark an internal dialogue so that the next time you're about to utter the word "bitch" you take a moment and really consider if that's okay. Don't get me wrong, it's advice I have to give myself often as well. But I do. And all I'm asking is that you do as well.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals
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