Thursday, 20 March 2014

Y'all got any more of them definitions?

Notice the hole in the middle: the anus of stupidity
Feminist Rachael here coming to you live from a hurricane of bullshit. We're hearing reports of misinterpreted quotes and winds of ignorance up to 100 km/h. A downpour of misunderstanding is on the horizon, and it seems like it will be a long time until it settles to a light drivel...sorry, that's drizzle. Back to you Internet.

Why the frustration? Why the small tirade? Why the prolonged metaphorical analogy to a weather report?

Photo: Merriam Webster.
(just kidding she's not a real woman)
Because of people actively choosing to not educate themselves on what feminism is. I want to clarify this big mystery for everyone. You know when you picture that woman who hates men and thinks people with vaginas are superior and blah blah blah? Yeah, they're not feminists. They're MISANDRISTS. Look it up. No, you know what? How about you sit back and relax and I'll look it up for you. Let's take it to our dear old friend Merriam Webster. What does she have to say about it? Oh look: A hatred of men. Yeah. That. Nothing there about wanting equality for genders, because that is FEMINISM. Don't believe me? Let's find out what good ol Merriam has to say about that. You are not going to believe this! Here we go: The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Damn, those feminist bitches be cray, wanting women to have equal wages and the rights to their own bodies and the ability to become CEO without someone asking who she slept with.

So next time you're going to dismiss feminism as some radical activist group akin to Reformed Neo Buddhism (Pierce Hawthorne - Community, anyone?), try and remember that super small and easy definition. Equal rights and opportunities. The same stuff that abolitionists fought for. The same stuff that gay rights activists fight for. The only radical thing in my mind is why there's such a massive push-back to these concepts.

To the men out there who say feminism is stupid: If you are okay with your mother making less money than your father solely because she had the capability of birthing you, then feminism is not for you. If you're down with your wife someday being fired because she's pregnant then feminism is not for you. If you're cool with your sister being sexually assaulted and then being called a slut for "giving it up", feminism is not for you. If you think it's rad that your daughter is more likely to end up with depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders and self esteem problems because she's got a vagina, then feminism is not for you. Otherwise, join the fight before you have to fight for someone you love.

To the women out there who say feminism is stupid: You're stupid. (just kidding). If you think everything is going great for you and things in your life are totally equal and you aren't scared walking home alone and your salary is on par with the men you went to high school with, then I am so happy for you. Let's zoom out. Let's take a look at countries where female newborns are murdered in droves because they're not boys. Or countries where armies come into town and rape women in front of their fathers and husbands. Or cultures where women aren't allowed to go to school. Or villages where women are considered property of men. Or communities where a woman is forced to marry her rapist to preserve her honour. Please, after understanding all of this, try and tell me why feminism is stupid.

Misandry is stupid (if you disagree, I'd love to hear why). Feminism is not. Feminism is a just, necessary and worthy cause. If you're not for it, then your stance as an ignorant and compliant bystander places you against it. Keep that in mind the next time you try and laugh it off.

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