Sunday, 26 January 2014

A Virginity Tale - Guest Post!

I mentioned to a buddy of mine that I'd post anything she had to write, considering she's funny,  honest and foraying into her first sexual adventures. So a few nights later she gets back to me and has drunkenly written out the story of losing her virginity. And here it is. It's frigging amazing.

It's raw, it's real:

The first time I had sex marked an interesting point in my life. Or I should say, it marks an interesting time in my life because this particular chapter I feel is far from over.  The first time was with an odd fellow by the name of Christopher. At least that is what I think his name is, I can’t be sure. The night, as a whole, was rather strange. I was with Alyson, and we were wandering around pretending we were from Ireland (although, unfortunately, I am relatively certain that my accent was far from accurate). Anywho, as we meandered through the university’s “student ghetto” we found ourselves at a party of sorts. In the traditional style of my university’s parties it seems, there was a required fee in order to gain admittance. Due to the fact that we were (and still are) terribly broke, we decided instead to hop the fence. This resulted in several bruises and a smattering of scrapes, but nevermind. At lease we were now in the party environment and not just a pair of fools standing on the street.

Once in the large gathering of people, I found myself talking to a medium size Chinese man. He was very interesting. He spoke of his work with organizations that dealt with malaria in disease-ridden countries. Given the fact that I had consumed a lot of vodka, and a strange mango energy drink, I was rather taken with him. But then he had to leave, called away for some reason, and I was left alone. Now being alone in general I do not really have a problem with. But, being alone at a kegger is an entirely different story. It is in this state that you begin to see the party for what it truly is - a desperate group of people all trying to make some kind of superficial connection with someone else. This is something you want to avoid at all cost because then you end up questioning the meaning of life, and how you are failing miserably in every aspect at whatever life could signify. So, naturally, I grasped on to the only other person I had made casual small talk with; the man in the silver fedora. This is the man that I would lose my virginity to. I know, it seems insane.

I began making casual conversation with this fellow, and then the next thing I knew, he was leading me to his house. And I just followed. Even now, I still cannot quite decipher why I did this. I could have easily broken free and forged my way home. But no, I decided to follow this strange man home. Upon arrival, his seduction techniques consisted of him showing me his collection of kitchen knives, all of which he sold, his bow and arrow collection, and his exact replica of a medieval sword. I was surprised by his tactics to say the least. And then, just when I thought he could not out do himself, he began to recount to me the history of battleships during the world wars.

It was after this display that we actually had sex. I must say, I was very drunk at the time. Sadly, this did not lessen the pain I experienced in the least. I am not sure if this was because of a lack of cunnilingus or what, but on the whole, I do remember a significant amount of pain accompanying the experience. And then, on top of that, his head would not stop moving. It just kept bobbing up and down in front of me as if he was some kind of tropical fish in a sad little tank. And then, I threw up. Classy right?

Yes, I threw up in the middle of having sex for the first time. At this point I decided it was time to go, and so I said to the man in the silver fedora, “I must go, or else the feminists will be disappointed in me.” I am not sure exactly what I meant with that phrase, only that I knew it would make for an excellent exit. He was a bit confused, I think.

That was my first time having sex. It was not romantic, or magical. I did not see any stars, or form any kind of emotional attachment to that man. It was just something I did, and that is all it was.

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